donderdag 30 september 2010

a hero

As i said in my first post, the world is full with tiny seedlings trying to make it a better place.
To me, these people are like heroes,.. some boldly go were no one has gone before,.. or by enduring the hardships and obstacles which arise in a world seemingly filled with nay sayers and narrow minded opposition.

Yet,. these people wont take the age old believes for granted,. they dare to seek outside the box.. imagining and fantasising about things the fast majority of people can not comprehend.
Take Erich von Daniken and Zacharia Sitchin,. both are believers that we might be offspring from extra terrestrials.
To me it doesn't sound so far fetched, given the many age old documents, stone tablets, scrolls and hieroglyphs about such beings. If one considers in this thought also scientific theories presented in the documentary "Life after People" it becomes easy to imagine WHY we do not find remains of such an ancient civilization as Atlantis. Utter nonsense?..bare with me for a sec..

In the aforementioned documentary they show what would remain of all the stuff we have build and created after people have gone. What would be left from our tallest structures and the smaller stuff our books or computers and such. Well,.. if the theory presented by them is correct,.. after a couple of thousand years there would be little to no prove of our existence left at ALL. There would be less evidence about us then we find nowadays from other old civilizations like the Sumerian, Egyptians, the Maya`s and such.
Amazing.. isn't  it? Apparently our modern materials would not withstand the tear and wear of time like those age old materials.

Here we are,.. feeling on top of the world.. thinking that WE and our civilization are the best and knowledgeable one so far..evolution has brought us to this ... so therefore ALL before us must have been less.. right?
No,.. or at least in my opinion,.. no.. we are not the best product of evolution yet.. we are just part of a ongoing ever evolving cycle. The prove of this can be found in numerous things we have found from these other advanced civilizations,.. things we just recently re-discovered. To give just one simple example,. the Sumerian's already documented ALL the planets in our system.. long before any of us modern man knew about em.

And here is why it is important to be open minded..instead of just refusing to look at this fact.. in basic ignoring hard evidence,. one should wonder.. and ask him self...WHY ?
How was this possible? could they have become to known this? All the other stuff we found from them suggest that they them self did not have the advancements like we have nowadays right? Then if so,.. it leads to an other conclusion.. someone must have TOLD them.. and here is the part im intrigued about.. if so,.. WHO did ? extraterrestrials?

I my self have come up with another theory,..a theory that struck me after i saw
the Movie 2012. here it is;
What if.. some cataclysmic event hits us and nearly wipes out all of mankind. here and there small pockets of human population have survived.. stripped from all their comfort and technology for the most part. some little groups have survived with some technology still at hand,. and others without any what so ever.. Try to imagine a place were all the stuff you take now for granted, paper, pencils, computers and all other stuff we have nowadays to communicate, to exchange knowledge,.. ALL gone.

in such a world knowledge would be transferred by words.. just like has been done for thousands and thousands of years. Not because they are to stupid to write anything down,. no.. just because the materials they were used to,.. are gone. And unless you know your self how to make all that stuff again.. and you also have the materials and knowledge to make the energy again to even fabricate all this stuff again.. you probably going to end up with transferring knowledge by speech.
Some may argue at this stage.. then why wont they quickly rebuild all they had? well.. i think the answer to this is all around us these days.. In a survival situation,. people tend to have other priority's then comfort alone. they have to eat and drink to survive. and with no shopping mall left,.. it comes down to the individual his or her skills to be able and do so.
so,.. knowledge about HOW to survive,.. how to gather this food and how to shelter and such.. would be of far more importance to this small pockets of people then the knowledge of how to build a telescope or computer or a aeroplane. just to name a few.

In this scenario, you could imagine how those surviving people would struggle for decades or centuries to strive again. It is easy to imagine how it would be possible for some groups to become more advanced then others,.. just because they may have been lucky enough to preserve some items or because they had the fortune to have some engineer or scholar in their midst.
This would lead to big differences in the rate of advancements between all these small group of people and when thousands of years have passed by with only the spoken word to transfer knowledge,.. some would have forgotten the existence of the former known stuff.

In such a world,.. when those more advanced would go and travel..exploring the world again.. they may encounter other populations of humans who are way beyond them. And to these people the more advanced groups may indeed seem like "gods".. just like we have seen when we entered the realm of some isolated tribes. They to figured those other humans must be "gods".. with all their knowledge and wonders of technology they brought with them.

Language could even change,.. the way we write and speak now.. based on widely spread alphabets.. would change.. perhaps into hieroglyphs again or other ancient ones.. why?
For the simple fact that we like to communicate.. and if a small pocket of people survived with a variety of languages and no interpreters around,.. then they may end up inventing a new form of communication which can be understood by all in the group. A new form of language or alphabet may be born. Which would also evolve in thousands of years.. examples of such an language can be found in these days to.. just think of our cyber language with all its variations compared to regular languages... if I say LoL.. then every person on this planet who is connected to the internet from what ever country they may come.. knows what is means.. Yet.. those who are not into the cyberspace world would look upon this "word" and wonder what the heck it means.

In a world as I just briefly described,.. knowledge would be THE key to survival and THE key to evolve again into the former status of comfort which we nowadays take so much for granted. 
That is why a wide spread of education is so important.. it will help people to cope when struck by catastrophic events, small or global.
Making a good education available to all people in this world is not only important in case of any aftermath, but also to help PREVENT any by humankind triggered cataclysmic event.
Those who try and teach thousand upon thousands all around the globe, making an effort to do this even free of charge.. trying to bring knowledge to all .. those are HEROES to me.
One such a person I came across on his website,.. Khan's academy. the link can be found in my link section. 
Here you will find a class A education free of charge for everyone all around the world.
A true hero in my book.. and part of the tiny seedlings of hope.

enjoy reading his website.

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