donderdag 30 september 2010

Free energy

Free energy,
What is free energy? What does it mean? To some free energy means free of charge.. to some it means free as in gaining energy from sources widely available all around us.. like wind and solar or hydro energy..and to some free means from out of "nothing".. like the aether.
It is a very funny and interesting discussion, with a lot of different opinions and point of views.
Sometimes it even sparks discussions which will be better then the best written soap opera in the world. With on both side of a fence a group of supporters to different sides of the opinions.

To me these kind of discussions always make me laugh.. they do.. because in lot of these they forget a very important factor,.. they all are trying to "Prove" the other wrong,.. and therefore claiming they are right.
In my opinion a better approach to every theory no matter the context, would be to find the common grounds, rather then the differences. WHY?.. very simple.. because its always better to construct then to destroy.. destruction is simple.. construction is harder. But it is only harder to construct because of all the destructive and negative influences involved in a discussion.
If we people dare to open our minds and hearts to others their believes and theories and would focus on the common ground we share in those believes rather then being focussed on our differences just to "prove" how wrong the other guy is.. we would find it strikingly easy to move fast forward in all aspects of life.. be it in religion or in science.

Take for example the Laws of Physics,.. the fast majority of scientists don't dare to challenge them,.. afraid to face ridicule from their peers in the science community. Afraid to be shunt and excluded from mainstream popular believers.. afraid to be labelled a whacko.
Pretty much like it has always been with us human beings.. someone who thinks out of the box must be silenced and shut the old days we even killed those not following the mainstream thoughts!!
This is a very destructive way of making any progress if any..a very good example of this is galileo and how he went against mainstream how the earth was NOT the centre of the universe. Ridiculous, insane and even a dangerous thought this was in his time.
Yet,.. now we know of course he was right on lots of stuff.. it just took us a couple of hundred years to acknowledge the theories he was about.What a waist of time..
Imagine if his peers in his time would have been open minded..imagine how our knowledge would have been progressing if only these ideas and believes hadn't been obstructed for decades.
I bet the Laws of Physics would be more advanced,.. and better understood if scientists would dare to think beyond the scope of these current believes.

Even as we speak,.. science has no clue what for example magnetism and electricity is..
Hold on you may say.. they do know what it is.. i have been to school and they thought me what it is..HMM..
Well,.. they DO know what the results are.. but what REALLY causes some phenomena we may have to acknowledge the fact that they often don't know the why.
And here is were a lot of the confusion in all theories and science occurs.. ASSUMPTIONS..

an old saying says.. assumption is the mother of all fuck ups.. and i agree..but not because someone assumes something.. nope.. that is a good thing right?.. assumptions help us to imagine stuff and therefore pursuit some dream or theory.
No sire.. the fuck up happens when we ASSUME that our ASSUMPTION is more valid then the assumptions of the other guy. And nowhere this becomes more evident then in science.. well.. and religion of course.
In a way science and religion are very much the same,.. both have a share of believe systems based on assumptions and therefore THEORIES. And as soon as there is prove of something in tangible way.. it becomes fact.

See what im getting at?.. like in religion.. science has hold on to some believes who are nothing more then mere theories.. for so long.. that everyone who may challenge this believe system is like a heretic..a danger.. a menace..and surely not worthy the title scientist.
So what does science mean?.. as in.. what should it be? here is the definition on the word science;

1.  science
The study of natural phenomena by observation, measurement, and experimentation.

This is very interesting,.. why? well.. somewhere down the road the scientists have forgotten about a few key ingredients involved in completing the definition of science.
Observation and experimentation..HuH?.. they do experimentations all the time you say?.
True,. but let me ask you this,.. how many times has the science community based their calculations..i.e their measurements.. on observations and experimentations?.. i dare to say.. only little compared to the fast abundance of theoretical models. The way i look upon this is ; they come up with some theoretical mathematics model,.. and all the other calculus "geeks" either try and base their models on the accepted theory or try and make it fit with new assumptions so it wont,.. heaven for bid,.. blew some mainstreams professor his theory.
Where as the old and true physicists and scientists like Leonardo and newton tried to observe and then experiment and then calculate.. these other scientists.. calculate and try and make reality fit.. and if it doesn't fit the observed fact.. they will come up with some fancy math model to explain why.. so it still fits in the theoretical models.

Don't believe me?.. here is a nice example for you..something according to the Laws of Physics can not exist.. yet.. here it is,.. in real life ..and you can even do this your self.
And who knows.. maybe you are the very first one able to explain the why behind this.
What i am talking about?.. ever heard of Ed Leedskalnin? this man claimed to know what magnets and magnetism is all about.. and did a very good job experimenting and proving stuff.
Up till this day.. NO one of the scientific community has been able to explain how he build his coral castle.. and No one has come up with the why and how behind his Perpetual Motion Holder.
Try and see for your self.. do his experiments..observe first hand what he explained.. and ask your self.. how much we really know.. ;-)

the links to a nice video and a web page about this remarkable man are found in the link section.

enjoy your explorations

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